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Found 278 results for any of the keywords kinship care. Time 0.019 seconds.
Kinship care is the raising of children by grandparents, great-grandparents, other relatives, or close family friends because the biological parents are unwilling or unable to do so. Legal custody of a child may or may not be involved, and the child may be related by blood, marriage or adoption. -- Wikipedia Churches of ChristInterested in our retirement and aged care services?
Families - ACT GovernmentServices to support families and children living in the ACT including child development and parenting support foster care kinship care and adoption
Locations - Anglicare VictoriaWe re proud to have a number of offices operating all across Victoria. The comprehensive and diverse nature of our presence throughout the state is
Child Welfare Updates: New Rule Regarding Kinship Placements | SocialBy April Ferguson LCSW-C, Senior Practice Associate, Children and Adolescents
Our Bylaws – Catawba Valley GAL Assoc.1 Each child in Foster/Kinship Care will be limited to $450 per calendar year with the option for a one-time $500 disbursement.
Child Welfare - The Annie E. Casey FoundationEnsuring that children grow up in families and get the help they need to heal, build lasting family relationships and reach their full potential.
Resources for Grandparents raising grandchildren - Time for GrandpareUseful links Activities for kids Useful links Outside the Time for Grandparents program, there are many resources for Grandparents raising grandchildren. Cl ...
The Bair Foundation | Christian-Based Foster Care Adoption ServicesOur agency provides foster care services to treat the mind, body spirit of the families we serve. Learn how you can become a foster parent.
Health care community services | UnitingCareUnitingCare provides aged care, disability support, crisis support and health care across Queensland through a range of services. Learn more about what we do.
Work with usYou can find all our job vacancies listed here.
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